Christmas Is Upon Us

Like many others I am a big fan of Christmas. I don’t like decorating the Christmas tree but I do love decorating the house and putting up lights. Christmas is a wonderful time for giving, as many people do: presents are the #1 things we give on Christmas. I love opening presents (I’m only 20 I can still enjoy a childlike Christmas) and I love wrapping presents (even though I’m terrible at it), I love seeing the look on the recipients face when they see what they got.

Christmas is about so much more than presents though: family, fellowship, religious beliefs. We as a culture, we as a people, make Christmas about giving hundreds of dollars in toys and gadgets and gift-able items but rarely do we see people celebrating the real meaning of Christmas: giving back to the people that can’t give at all due to their circumstances or loving the time they get off to appreciate their family and friends.

What does Christmas mean for you?